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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

SEND School Programme

We are pleased to offer free outreach visits to SEND schools and schools with SEND units. We offer the outreach mainly to East and South-East London Boroughs but please get in contact to find out how we may be able to help. 

We currently offer the following workshops: 

Set Sail…Go! 

An engaging hands-on session developing the understanding of old and new with an emphasis on turn taking and social interaction. Students can use expressive language, sign, and song to communicate and interact with props when exploring how travel has changed for us today. 

Voyage of Discovery 

A sensory story of a sailor’s journey around the world. Students can interact with objects and improve communication, motor skills and confidence as they travel the globe from their classroom! 



Our sessions run to suit your school timetable. Our earliest session can be offered from 11:00-12:00 and our latest session can be run from 13:30-14:30. Please state your preference when booking. Facilitators will arrive 30 minutes before session start to set up. 

Group sizes

Sessions are offered to a maximum of 10 pupils per group per session. Please note the maximum we can offer are 2 sessions a day. 


There is an accessible toilet available but sessions in the Painted Hall have some access restrictions. Please notify us of any access requirements, including vehicle access, when you are making your booking. See more about accessibility.

Contact Us

To book one of our workshops, please fill in our Booking Enquiry Form. Please note: Enquiry forms must be submitted two months in advance of your preferred date.

For more information please call the Learning Team on 020 8269 4725.