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English for Speakers of Other Languages

Our programme for ESOL learners of all levels

Our ESOL programme started in 2013 as part of a conservation project by the Heritage Lottery Fund. Since 2013 we have developed in-house ESOL expertise, pre- and post-visit resources and a range of bespoke sessions.

Our ESOL programme today

A visit to the Old Royal Naval College is a rewarding experience for ESOL groups. Students will develop and practice their English language skills in a new environment, socialise with others and explore Sir Christopher Wren’s riverside masterpiece. Visits can be tailored to the needs, level, age and interests of your group and we welcome ideas about how the programme can be developed.

Please do let us know if you want to bring a self-guided group to visit. An outreach talk at your centre/college may be possible on request.

How to book

To enquire about booking an ESOL visit, please complete our booking enquiry form, letting us know the ESOL levels, ages and needs of your learners.

For specific enquiries about access or other concerns for members of your group, please contact the Learning and Community Team administrator on and we’ll reply as soon as possible.

ESOL Festive Workshop

English for Speakers of Other Languages

Bring your ESOL students for an informal 2 hour session exploring our marvellous site and its rich history

Find out more