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Thursday Lates | Helios in the Painted Hall

Every Thursday | 4.30pm–8pm (Last entry: 7.15pm)
Tickets: £16.50, kids go free
Painted Hall, Old Royal Naval College, King William Walk, Greenwich, London, SE10 9NN

Book now

Stay up late with Helios. The Painted Hall is open every Thursday evening for a glowing night-time experience.

Guided talks

Join one of our expert guides as they introduce you to the cast of over 200 fascinating characters assembled on the Painted Hall ceiling. This 30-minute talk delves into the rich history and compelling stories behind Sir James Thornhill’s masterpiece, which took 19 years to complete.

Talks are included in your General Admission ticket, and they depart at 4.30pm, 5.30pm, 6.30pm and 7.30pm during Thursday Lates.*

*Subject to availability, please ask a member of staff what tours are available on the day.

Upcoming sessions

  • Thursday 20 February
  • Thursday 27 February
  • Thursday 6 March
  • Thursday 13 March
  • Thursday 20 March

Yellow button with 'book now' in black text

Named after the ancient Greek and Roman sun god, symbolic of time and life, Helios honours the Sun’s profound impact on human history and culture. Every centimetre of the seven metre internally lit artwork represents 2000km of the Sun’s fiery expanse. This is a rare opportunity to closely examine the star’s extraordinary surface in astonishing detail.

At a scale of 1:200 million, every centimetre of the seven metre internally lit masterpiece represents 2000km of the Sun’s fiery expanse. Visitors will be captivated by the intricate beauty of sunspots, spicules, and filaments, including the solar activity that produced the UK’s mesmerising Northern Lights in May 2024. The imagery for the artwork has been compiled using photographs of the Sun provided by Astrophotographer Dr Stuart Green (taken between May 2018 to June 2024) and NASA observations of the Sun, with guidance from solar scientist, Professor Lucie Green of University College London (UCL).

The installation is a fusion of solar imagery, sunlight and a specially created surround sound composition by acclaimed artists Duncan Speakman and Sarah Anderson. Together, the soundscape and sculpture take audiences on a sensory journey, igniting curiosity and awe about both the closest star to Earth.

Find out more

Important access information

Please note that the main lift to access the Painted Hall is currently out of order due to a technical fault. There are 7 steps to access the King William Undercroft, 20 steps to access the Lower Vestibule of the Painted Hall, 16 steps to access the Main Vestibule the Painted Hall and a further 7 steps to access the Upper Hall. There is a small service lift to access the Upper Hall and Helios can be viewed from here. Find out more.